How to use python for HubSpot contact API call – HubSpot contact Data with Python?
Hi Everyone, hope you are keeping well. I have put together this article to help you guys in building python scripts to use HubSpot APIs.
HubSpot provides several APIs but in this article, we will be mainly using Contact APIs. Don’t worry python code remains the same for all HubSpot APIs, only API and its query string parameter changes based on your requirement.
So if your requirement is, say to create contact, get account details, or, deals, etc. Hubspot Contact API won’t meet your requirement but the code and knowledge shared in this article will help you with other API setups too. Hence, I strongly recommend you to go through this article.
Before starting with the steps to build Python script using HubSpot API. You need to have some credentials, these credentials are used to authenticate HubSpot so that we can extract data from HubSpot.
If you are just starting with HubSpot API configuration and figuring out what credentials you need to make HubSpot API work? and How to generate those credentials? Refer to HubSpot API Setup – how to get Hubspot API key and Acces Token guide.
So let’s start.
To give you a high-level overview. We are going to create a JSON file to store all HubSpot credentials, the main python file which will work as initiator and flow controller, and lastly, will create a python module that will have functions for each HubSpot API call.
1. Storing HubSpot Credentials in the JSON file
First, we are going to create a JSON file that will store all credentials needed to make a successful call to HubSpot API.
I recommend creating a JSON file to store all credentials because it is easy to maintain, update, and track credentials as needed. Here we save this file as “hs_cred.json”
{ "access_token":"Replace with Access token", "app_id":"Replace with app_id", "app_secret":"Replace with app secret", "count":5, "api_key":"f5111aa8-cf8d-4651-8729-c080bf83de23" }
2. Main file, the center point for all controls
By this step, we are going to create the main file. Which will work as initiator and whose responsibility will be calling out all APIs which are structured within separate functions.
The below piece of code is the main file in its very beginning, I mean with just one function call. As we proceed to different HubSpot contact API implementations we will add that function call to this file. We save this file as “”.
#!/usr/local/bin/python3 # command to run this code $ python3 ./python/ import getopt import sys import datetime import os.path import json from get_hs_data import* if __name__ == '__main__': try: timestamp = datetime.datetime.strftime(,'%Y-%m-%d : %H:%M') print("DATE : ",timestamp,"\n") print("HubSpot data extraction process Started") #reading json file hs_cred_file = "./hs_cred.json" #check out your filepath hs_cred_file = open(hs_cred_file, 'r') hs_cred_json = json.load(hs_cred_file) api_key = hs_cred_json["api_key"] count = hs_cred_json["count"] #call the funtion having HubSpot all contact api contact_df = get_all_contact(api_key,count) print("contact_df :\n",contact_df) print("HS_MAIN : data extraction Process Finished \n") except: print("HS_MAIN : data extraction processing Failed !!!!:", sys.exc_info())
Take a halt here and try to understand. what we are doing now and why do we need it?
Before moving ahead, create a python module file that will have all the functions for all kinds of HubSpot contact APIs. Especially the one we are going to cover here. You can save the file as “”.
Which will look something like the below code.
#!/usr/bin/python3 import requests import json import pandas import sys from urllib import parse
To get HubSpot contact there are multiple ways, I mean different APIs to extract contact data. Like – all contact API, recently updated contact API, get recently created contact API. You can use them according to your implementation/application needs.
3. HubSpot All Contact API
Get All contact: this API returns all contacts that have been created in the given account. Return is a paginated list of contacts, with a maximum of 100 contacts per page.
The Python function for HubSpot all contact API looks like the code below. The logic extracts only vid and name data for each contact from this API. You can extract more data according to your need.
def get_all_contact(api_key,count): try: #To get all contact url = ""+str(count)+"&hapikey="+api_key headers = {} contact_list = [] r = requests.get(url = url, headers = headers) response_dict = json.loads(r.text) #to get contact data contact_list.extend(response_dict['contacts']) contact_df = pandas.DataFrame(columns=['vid','first_name','last_name']) for cnt in contact_list: #You can print cnt to see all available filds you get from this All Contact API #print("\n",cnt) temp = {} if 'vid' in cnt.keys(): vid = cnt['vid'] prop = cnt["properties"] if 'firstname' in prop.keys(): name = prop['firstname']['value'] if 'lastname' in prop.keys(): lastname = prop['lastname']['value'] temp.update({"vid":vid}) temp.update({"first_name":name}) temp.update({"last_name":lastname}) #add each contact data to DataFrame contact_df = contact_df.append(temp,ignore_index = True) return contact_df except: print("\nget_contact Failed",sys.exc_info()) pass
4. HubSpot Recent Updated Contact API
Get recently updated contact – you can also say this HubSpot API as “Get recently updated and created contacts”. This API returns information about all contacts for a given account that was updated or created in the last 30 days.
The return data is a paginated list, with a maximum of 100 contacts per page. The only thing you need to remember is the endpoint scrolls back in time for only 30 days.
Please note: There are 3 fields here to pay close attention to –
- “has-more” – which will tell you whether there are more contacts that you can pull.
- “vid-offset” – let you know where you are in the list of contacts by contact vid.
- “time-offset – let you know where you are in the list of contacts by time.
The Python function for HubSpot’s “recently updated contact API” looks like the code below. The logic extracts only vid and name data for each contact from this API. You can extract more data according to your need.
def get_recent_updated_contact(api_key,count): try: #To get recent updated contact by all contacts url = ""+str(count)+"&hapikey="+api_key headers = {} contact_list = [] r = requests.get(url = url, headers = headers) response_dict = json.loads(r.text) #to get category name of contact data contact_list.extend(response_dict['contacts']) contact_df = pandas.DataFrame(columns=['vid','first_name','last_name']) for cnt in contact_list: #You can print cnt to see all available filds you get from this All Contact API #print("\n",cnt) temp = {} if 'vid' in cnt.keys(): vid = cnt['vid'] prop = cnt["properties"] if 'firstname' in prop.keys(): name = prop['firstname']['value'] if 'lastname' in prop.keys(): lastname = prop['lastname']['value'] temp.update({"vid":vid}) temp.update({"first_name":name}) temp.update({"last_name":lastname}) #add each contact data to DataFrame contact_df = contact_df.append(temp,ignore_index = True) return contact_df except: print("\n##get_recent_update_contact Failed",sys.exc_info()) pass
5. HubSpot Recent Created Contact API
Get recently created contacts – this HubSpot API returns all contacts that have been recently created in the given account. The return is a paginated list, with a maximum of 100 contacts per page.
Please note: There are 3 fields here to pay close attention to –
- “has-more” – which will tell you whether there are more contacts that you can pull.
- “vid-offset” – let you know where you are in the list of contacts by contact vid.
- “time-offset – let you know where you are in the list of contacts by time.
Remember that the response you get from API is sorted in descending order by create date i.e. most recently created contact is returned first.
The Python function for HubSpot’s “recently created contact API” looks like the code below. The python logic extracts only vid and name data for each contact from this API. You can extract more data according to your need.
def get_recent_created_contact(api_key,count): try: #To get recent updated contact by all contacts url = ""+str(count)+"&hapikey="+api_key headers = {} contact_list = [] r = requests.get(url = url, headers = headers) response_dict = json.loads(r.text) #to get category name of contact data contact_list.extend(response_dict['contacts']) contact_df = pandas.DataFrame(columns=['vid','first_name','last_name']) for cnt in contact_list: #You can print cnt to see all available filds you get from this All Contact API #print("\n",cnt) temp = {} if 'vid' in cnt.keys(): vid = cnt['vid'] else: vid = None prop = cnt["properties"] if 'firstname' in prop.keys(): name = prop['firstname']['value'] else: name = None if 'lastname' in prop.keys(): lastname = prop['lastname']['value'] else: lastname = None temp.update({"vid":vid}) temp.update({"first_name":name}) temp.update({"last_name":lastname}) #add each contact data to DataFrame contact_df = contact_df.append(temp,ignore_index = True) return contact_df except: print("\n##get_recent_created_contact Failed",sys.exc_info()) pass
6. HubSpot Contact by VID API
Get contact by vid – this HubSpot API returns information about single contact by its VID for a given account. What is Contact VID? VID is the contact’s unique ID, which is stored in a field called “vid” that stands for “Visitor ID”.
The Python function for HubSpot contact by vid API looks like the code below. The fields you see down are not only the data we get from this API there are a lot more. The code demonstrates only the elective one. Give a link to the fields here. You can extract more data according to your need.
def contact_insight_extraction(api_key,contact_vid_list): try: contact_data_df = pandas.DataFrame(columns=["vid","first_conversion_date","lead_score", "recent_conversion_date","lifecycle_stage","form_id","source","form_type", "utm_source","utm_medium","utm_campaign","utm_link"]) for vid in contact_vid_list: url = ""+str(vid)+"/profile?hapikey="+str(api_key) #initialising variable headers = {} temp_dict = {} try: #making api call r = requests.get(url = url, headers = headers) response_dict = json.loads(r.text) #print("\n",response_dict) contact_source = response_dict["properties"]["hs_analytics_source"]["value"] temp_dict.update({"source":contact_source}) #print("contact_source :",contact_source) if contact_source not in ["OFFLINE","offline"]: temp_dict.update({"vid":vid}) if 'form-submissions' in response_dict.keys(): if 'form_id' in response_dict["form-submissions"][-1].keys(): contact_form_id = response_dict["form-submissions"][-1]["form-id"] #print("contact_form_id :",contact_form_id) else: contact_form_id = None if 'form_type' in response_dict["form-submissions"][-1].keys(): contact_form_type = response_dict["form-submissions"][-1]["form-type"] #print("contact_form_type :",contact_form_type) else: contact_form_type = None else: contact_form_id = None contact_form_type = None temp_dict.update({"form_id":contact_form_id}) temp_dict.update({"form_type":contact_form_type}) if "first_conversion_date" in response_dict["properties"].keys(): cntct_frt_convs_dt = response_dict["properties"]["first_conversion_date"]["value"] your_dt = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(cntct_frt_convs_dt)/1000) dt = datetime.datetime.strftime(your_dt,"%Y-%m-%d") contact_first_conversion_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(dt,"%Y-%m-%d") #print("contact_first_conversion_date :",contact_first_conversion_date) else: contact_first_conversion_date = None temp_dict.update({"first_conversion_date":contact_first_conversion_date}) if "recent_conversion_date" in response_dict["properties"].keys(): cntct_rcnt_convs_dt = response_dict["properties"]["recent_conversion_date"]["value"] your_rcnt_dt = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(cntct_rcnt_convs_dt)/1000) dt = datetime.datetime.strftime(your_rcnt_dt,"%Y-%m-%d") contact_recent_conversion_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(dt,"%Y-%m-%d") #print("contact_recent_conversion_date :",type(contact_recent_conversion_date)) else: contact_recent_conversion_date = None temp_dict.update({"recent_conversion_date":contact_recent_conversion_date}) if "lifecyclestage" in response_dict["properties"].keys(): contact_lifecyclestage = response_dict["properties"]["lifecyclestage"]["value"] #print("contact_lifecyclestage :",contact_lifecyclestage) else: contact_lifecyclestage = None #print("Contact lifecyclestage Missing ",sys.exc_info()) temp_dict.update({"lifecycle_stage":contact_lifecyclestage}) if "hubspotscore" in response_dict["properties"].keys(): contact_lead_score = response_dict["properties"]["hubspotscore"]["value"] #print("contact_lead_score :",contact_lead_score) else: contact_lead_score = 00 temp_dict.update({"lead_score":int(contact_lead_score)}) try: #initialise a the variable to avid falls positive data url = None utm_source = None utm_medium = None utm_campaign = None if "hs_analytics_first_url" in response_dict["properties"].keys(): first_url= response_dict["properties"]["hs_analytics_first_url"]["value"] #print("first_url :",first_url) o = parse.urlparse(first_url) query_url = parse.parse_qs(o.query) url = o._replace(query=None).geturl() if 'utm_campaign' in query_url.keys(): utm_campaign = query_url['utm_campaign'][0] if 'utm_source' in query_url.keys(): utm_source = query_url['utm_source'][0] if 'utm_medium' in query_url.keys(): utm_medium = query_url['utm_medium'][0] if "hs_analytics_first_referrer" in response_dict["properties"].keys(): #logic to catch contacts coming from capterra contact_source = response_dict["properties"]["hs_analytics_first_referrer"]["value"] if "capterra" in contact_source: utm_source = "capterra" temp_dict.update({"utm_link":url}) temp_dict.update({"utm_campaign":utm_campaign}) temp_dict.update({"utm_source":utm_source}) temp_dict.update({"utm_medium":utm_medium}) except: pass #add all data to dataframe contact_data_df = contact_data_df.append(temp_dict,ignore_index = True) except: print("Failed to get the Source!!! for contact vid/ID :",vid) pass return contact_data_df except: print("\n###get_contact_by_vid Failed : ",sys.exc_info()) pass
Take a halt again and try to understand what’s next. Actually, to call the above function there are two ways. You will see examples for both below, we recommend option 2 for faster and automated processing.
1. By Manually Defining a list of Contact VID
vid_list = ['4793951','4808951','4136301'] contact_insight_df = contact_insight_extraction(api_key,vid_list) print("contact_insight_df :\n",contact_insight_df)
2. Passing contact vid you got from any one of previous contact API (i.e all contact, recently updated, or recent created)
recent_updated_contact_df = get_recent_updated_contact(api_key,count) print("recent_updated_contact_df :\n",recent_updated_contact_df) contact_insight_df = contact_insight_extraction(api_key,recent_updated_contact_df['vid']) print("contact_insight_df :\n",contact_insight_df)
There is a lot more contact API provided by HubSpot for different types of data extraction related to contacts. HubSpot API
After going through all the above functions and calling it from the main file, it will look something like the below code.
#!/usr/local/bin/python3 # command to run this code $ python3 ./python/ import getopt import sys import datetime import os.path import json from get_hs_data import* if __name__ == '__main__': try: timestamp = datetime.datetime.strftime(,'%Y-%m-%d : %H:%M') print("DATE : ",timestamp,"\n") print("HubSpot data extraction process Started") #reading client_id json file hs_cred_file = "./source/hs_cred.json" hs_cred_file = open(hs_cred_file, 'r') hs_cred_json = json.load(hs_cred_file) api_key = hs_cred_json["api_key"] count = hs_cred_json["count"] #call the function having HubSpot all contact api all_contact_df = get_all_contact(api_key,count) print("all_contact_df :\n",all_contact_df) recent_updated_contact_df = get_recent_updated_contact(api_key,count) print("recent_updated_contact_df :\n",recent_updated_contact_df) recent_created_contact_df = get_recent_created_contact(api_key,count) print("recent_created_contact_df :\n",recent_created_contact_df) contact_insight_df = contact_insight_extraction(api_key,recent_updated_contact_df['vid']) print("contact_insight_df :\n",contact_insight_df) print("HS_MAIN : data extraction Process Finished \n") except: print("HS_MAIN : data extraction processing Failed !!!!:", sys.exc_info())
Calling HubSpot API with Access Token
To give you an idea of how to make API calls with Hub post Access Token. Below is the python function for the recent update contact API. The same one that you have seen above only difference is here we are using access_token rather than api_key.
def get_recent_updated_contact(access_token,count): try: #To get recent updated contact by all contacts url = "" parameter_dict = {'count': count} headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer "+access_token} contact_list = [] parameters = urllib.parse.urlencode(parameter_dict) get_url = url + parameters r = requests.get(url = get_url, headers = headers) response_dict = json.loads(r.text) #to get category name of contact data contact_list.extend(response_dict['contacts']) contact_df = pandas.DataFrame(columns=['vid','first_name','last_name']) for cnt in contact_list: #You can print cnt to see all available filds you get from this All Contact API #print("\n",cnt) temp = {} if 'vid' in cnt.keys(): vid = cnt['vid'] else: vid = None prop = cnt["properties"] if 'firstname' in prop.keys(): first_name = prop['firstname']['value'] else: first_name = None if 'lastname' in prop.keys(): last_name = prop['lastname']['value'] else: last_name = None temp.update({"vid":vid}) temp.update({"first_name":first_name}) temp.update({"last_name":last_name}) #add each contact data to DataFrame contact_df = contact_df.append(temp,ignore_index = True) return contact_df except: print("\n##get_recent_update_contact Failed",sys.exc_info()) pass
Calling HubSpot API with has_more flag and end_date constraint.
This is how the above function for API calls will look. Note that in the below example I have used the access_token technique to make HubSpot calls. You can use the api_key call as well.
def get_recent_updated_contact(access_token,count,end_date): try: #To get recent updated contact by all contacts url = "" parameter_dict = {'count': count} headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer "+access_token} contact_list = [] has_more = True while has_more: parameters = urllib.parse.urlencode(parameter_dict) get_url = url + parameters r = requests.get(url = get_url, headers = headers) response_dict = json.loads(r.text) has_more = response_dict['has-more'] #to get category name of contact data contact_list.extend(response_dict['contacts']) contact_vid_df = pandas.DataFrame(columns=['vid','first_name','last_name']) for cnt in contact_list: temp = {} if 'vid' in cnt.keys(): vid = cnt['vid'] else: vid = None prop = cnt["properties"] if 'firstname' in prop.keys(): first_name = prop['firstname']['value'] else: first_name = None if 'lastname' in prop.keys(): last_name = prop['lastname']['value'] else: last_name = None temp.update({"vid":vid}) temp.update({"first_name":first_name}) temp.update({"last_name":last_name}) contact_vid_df = contact_vid_df.append(temp,ignore_index = True) parameter_dict['vidOffset']= response_dict['vid-offset'] time_offset = response_dict['time-offset'] parameter_dict['timeOffset'] = time_offset if time_offset < end_date: print('End date reached') break return contact_vid_df except: print("\n##get_recent_update_contact Failed",sys.exc_info()) pass
Hope I have made the entire process of developing python code to make the Hubspot contact API call easy to understand. If not, feel free to contact me if you need any help.
For any suggestions or doubts ~ Get In Touch
Check out my other API Integration Guide